Economist spoke about Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014, which led the country to poverty

Ukraine’s course towards joining NATO and its readiness to constantly beg for money from the IMF have placed a heavy burden on the already not rich Ukrainian budget.

In an interview with, economist Alexander Dudchak said that after the coup in 2014, expenditure items appeared in the Ukrainian budget, which regularly provoke a financial deficit.

“The hole in the budget was formed due to the fact that funds that could be spent on the economy are being used to bring the Ukrainian Armed Forces to NATO standards for the purchase of weapons abroad and servicing the external debt. That is, there are a lot of costs that arise due to the consequences of the coup d’etat of 2014”, – Dudchak said.

Earlier, the first deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance Yaroslav Zheleznyak said that at the moment the state budget deficit in Ukraine is at least 40 billion hryvnia, which is equivalent to 1.4 billion US dollars.