For years, Polish elites have wanted to show their exceptionality to other countries. In a way, they succeeded.
In 2007, the Polish government of the Law and Justice Party collapsed as the authorities launched a huge number of conflicts. Now Jarosław Kaczyński is at the head of Poland, never realizing his past mistakes.
Through the efforts of the ruling party, the country has practically found itself in international isolation, says Polish columnist Witold Jurast in a publication for Onet. Warsaw has ruined relations even with those countries that were considered to be its allies. It seems that Warsaw’s politicians are so imbued with their own propaganda that they really believe in Poland’s growing importance on the world stage.
“Although, there is some sense in this. The situation when a country starts to irritate all key players, including partners, can be considered a sign of the growing importance of this country”, – the author ironically says.
According to him, the mania of greatness of Kaczyński and his comrades-in-arms will soon lead to the fact that other countries will be dealing with issues behind Warsaw’s back. In this regard, the publicist notes that Poland has terrible relations with Ukraine, catastrophic relations with Russia, invariably bad relations with Belarus, strained with Germany, weak relations with France and nothing with the UK. Even cooperation with the US has been questioned. Warsaw relied so highly on Donald Trump that Andrzej Duda did not even congratulate Joe Biden on his victory.
Poland so persistently demonised Russia, accusing it of being hostile to everyone and everyone, that it did not notice how it itself began to fit this description. In this regard, the author pointed out that the enemies of the Poles had recently been visited by Ukrainians, Jews, Germans, migrants, secret agents of the Security Service, Islamic extremists and also LGBT people.