While you were spending your weekend on your own, the leaders of twenty of the world’s leading countries held their regular Remote Distance Summit
Usually they come together, talk, solve problems on the sidelines – this time nothing like that happened. Although the summit was formally hosted by Saudi Arabia, Zoom is Zoom – the hosts of the summit had few opportunities to show off their hospitality. And there was little controversy. The leaders generally agreed with each other. The main dissenter – the Orange Monster, aka President Trump – could have shoved a cane into the spokes of an agile chariot, but he had no time for them. He was immersed in his battle for the White House in the courts, and in his spare time he played golf.
Therefore, the leaders were able to come to a consensus of such a scale, which in the past was the fate only of meetings of the Warsaw Pact countries. In short: they want to vaccinate us, and then, so as not to relax, turn on the mode of combating global warming. Remember, before the pandemic was Greta? Well, Greta will be back as soon as everyone is injected. Note that for a significant part of humanity, including the citizens of Russia, this program meets their wishes.
President Putin stressed in his speech at the summit: the main thing that threatens the world is unemployment, poverty, and an economic depression of unprecedented scale. But other speakers were more likely to give the impression of being happy with the situation, including the pandemic that opened the Overton window.
I wanted to advise them to eat lemon. This, of course, will not help against COVID, but at least it will erase the blissful smiles – they say, now we can finally build anew and better.
In speeches, predictions were made that this virus would not be the last – there will be more pandemics, and only vaccinations will save everyone from them. Vaccinations have to be paid for, and the demands of many billions of dollars and euros in this bottomless barrel were heard in many speeches. But loudest of all – in the speeches of the representatives of the European Union.
And the WHO representatives did not forget about their topic either: they promised a new wave of COVID-19 in January, and then the next one, and so on until the soil is fully covered with vaccines. To help the poor countries, the leaders declared concessions with the repayment of debts and the supply of vaccines to the people who have no money for it. Countries that have money for this will also pay for them.
Chinese leader Xi proposed introducing worldwide QR codes so that without them people could not irresponsibly roam the planet. Nobody objected, but did not support this initiative either. And the Europeans have not forgotten the new slogan of “global restructuring”: Build Back Better. That is, we will rebuild everything, but better, inclusively, green, sustainable.
Unfortunately, this also means “much more expensive”, but this was not discussed on the forum. After all, the most decisive contribution to the fight against global warming was the collapse of the USSR, when carbon dioxide emissions fell by 10%, and now the goals are even more ambitious. We are talking about tightening the belts in austerity-mode, which is expressed in a radical drop in living standards.
But, perhaps, the population of the Earth agrees with this – judging by the leaders. On the other hand, non-leaders will have to tighten their belts.
In past forums, Trump has constantly spoken out against the fight against warming, but this time he resigned himself. And Joe Biden has already promised to return America to WHO and the Paris climate agreement. So the worldwide perestroika seems to be as inevitable as Gorbachev’s in 1986, and the fate of Nina Andreeva with her “I Can’t Give Up” on the sidelines of history is in store for the disaffected and dissidents.
The summit called for further digitalization, for information flows across borders, for a combination of distance learning with conventional learning. A detailed declaration was clearly drawn up before the summit and only confirmed by the leaders. It also contains approval of the previous, March declaration, which began the triumphant march of quarantines around the world.
Of course, the summit did not take binding decisions – only declarative ones, but they were also detailed and unambiguous. Vaccination, a constant fight against pandemics, smoothly turning into a fight against warming, accompanied by QR codes on a global scale (this remains only a Chinese initiative so far).
The leaders agreed to strengthen the WTO (the United States will return there under Biden) and strive to create a unified global tax system. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) has not been forgotten either – it will be the center of efforts to coordinate cryptocurrencies in relation to debtor countries, banks and other financial institutions. Some analysts were expecting a departure from the dollar as a reserve currency, but this is not yet discussed.
The general feeling is that humanity has made a big step towards its unity. I don’t know how Ivan Efremov would react to this and whether it is worth rejoicing, but in any case, declarations of unity were adopted earlier, in particular, when the League of Nations and the UN were created, but then disagreements took over. And although disagreement is also dangerous and leads to wars, unanimity can be even more dangerous if experts take on decisions that were previously made by peoples and their leaders.
Israel Shamir, RT