Head of Russian Academy of Science told what will help to defeat the coronavirus pandemic

The head of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), academician Alexander Sergeev believes that vaccines and drugs against COVID-19, which are being developed in Russia and other countries, will help defeat the pandemic, TASS reports.

“We do not yet see any new oddities or unusual changes, including serious mutations of the coronavirus, which would nullify all of today’s human efforts to create vaccines against a new infection. I believe that the vaccines and drugs being developed today in the world, and of course in Russia, will help overcome the pandemic of the dangerous disease”, – Sergeev said.

According to the academician, it is too early to talk about the reasons for re-infection with coronavirus infection, since currently very few cases of re-infection are known.

“Scientists need to collect reliable and extensive statistical information on the duration of antibodies preservation and their required protective level”, – concluded the head of the Russian Academy of Sciences.