The US Department of Health has named a condition for transferring authority to Biden

American agencies refuse to consult with Democrat representatives until the Democrat is named President by the General Services Administration

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has no plans to deal with the transfer of authority to the Democrat Administration of Joseph Biden until he is recognized as the winner of the presidential election by the United States General Services Administration. Alex Azar, head of the US Department of Health, made a statement to this effect on Wednesday, CNN said.

“We have made it clear that as soon as the General Services Department has issued its verdict, we will ensure a complete, coherent and professional transfer of authority”, –  Azar said. – “We will follow the requirements set forth”.

The U.S. agencies refuse to consult with Biden until Biden is named President Elect by the U.S. General Services Administration, which serves as the oversight body for the American administration. U.S. law does not set a clear time frame within which this oversight body must declare a party candidate a winner. However, this is usually done after there is no doubt about its success and it is necessary to start the transfer of power as soon as possible.

Until 23 November, state authorities must count the ballots sent by mail, including those sent by Americans outside the country. Voting results must be approved for each state by 12 December and members of the electoral college must vote on 14 December. On 6 January 2021, a joint meeting of both chambers of Congress must approve the voting results of the Electoral College, and the inauguration ceremony of the President-elect will take place on 20 January.