Electoral violations in Moldova: advisers of PAS and Our Party deprived more than 20 people of the right to vote

More than 20 residents of Balti, the second largest city in Moldova after Chisinau, have lost their right to participate in the second round of the presidential elections. This is reported by the Moldovan media.

Advisors of PAS and Our Party blocked the registration of people’s appeals to call a mobile ballot box at home.

This happened at the polling station of the Lyceum named after Vasile Alexandri. Many people came there who wanted to leave the statements of their relatives, but people could not do this.

The Central Election Commission explained that these actions are illegal.

“First, they set their own rules for our citizens in Transnistria, now they do it for pensioners and disabled people? Thus, on November 15 more than 20 grandparents will not be able to exercise their Constitutional right. This is our democracy. Balti, did you vote for such advisers?”, – the users of social networks are indignant.