Dodon said he would act decisively if the opposition falsified the election

The President of Moldova, Igor Dodon, said that he would act decisively if the opposition tried to falsify the election results.

“There is no reception against a scrap if there is no other scrap. And that needs to be understood, and we need to talk about it”, –  he said. – “I believe that our supporters must understand and know that we will protect our victory. We are peaceful people, but, you know, our armoured train is on the spare track.”

According to him, representatives of the opposition may try to arrange organized transportation of voters to polling stations abroad. Dodon and his colleagues promised to “document such cases”.

“I think that after the 15th we will do our best, I will do my best as President of the country so that we don’t have destabilisation. But if they try to steal our victory – in different ways – of course, the victory has to be protected. The classic said that a victory is worth nothing if you are not ready to defend it”, –  he emphasised.