Turkey explained why its peacekeepers will not be in Karabakh

Leading Turkish military analyst Abdullah Agar explained the meaning of the Karabakh agreements in an interview with the Turkish TV channel.

As the Turkish Agenda tg channel writes, Agar’s words are important, in which he explains the reason why the Turkish military will not be in Karabakh in the peacekeeping forces.

“The defeat of Armenia in Karabakh is a serious injury, and the presence of the Turkish military there would increase that trauma and endanger the lives of Turkish soldiers”, –  said the Turkish expert.

According to the analyst, the fact that the Turkish military will not be part of the peacekeeping forces from Aliyev’s statements, as well as from the text of the agreement, was understandable from the outset, but it was difficult for some to accept it, someone speculated on this topic, but this decision was made jointly between the states.