WSJ: Conservatives in the USA give up Facebook and Twitter after the elections

According to the magazine, the number of users of the Parler social network increased to 8 million during the week, while the Rumble platform increased its monthly viewings to over 75 million.

Conservative users who are dissatisfied with the information policy of Facebook and Twitter during the US election campaign are moving to other social networks. This was reported by The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, calling the events “mass migration”.

In the week following the U.S. elections alone, the newspaper noted that the number of users of the social network Parler has increased from 4.5 million to 8 million, and for the platform Rumble the number of views for the month rose by 60.5 million – to more than 75 million.

Shannon McGregor, a professor at the University of South Carolina, expressed doubts in an interview with the newspaper that users who share the ideas of conservative Republicans will abandon Facebook and Twitter forever. “If they have no one to argue with, if there are no media materials to respond to, how long will this situation last? – she said.

There were no comments on Facebook and Twitter, The Wall Street Journal noted, but previously they had “refuted the conservatives’ claim that their material is subject to censorship.

Facebook has banned political advertising since 27 October in order to combat the spread of misinformation and attempts to indirectly influence the mood of voters. On Wednesday, the ban was extended for another month.

The general elections in the USA took place on 3 November. According to leading American media, Democrat Joseph Biden won the support of more than 270 voters, whose votes are necessary for him to defeat the current head of state Donald Trump in the fight for the presidency of the USA. Biden announced that he had won the election. Trump, who is running for a second term, did not accept defeat and announced his decision to go to the courts regarding the counting of votes, because he believes that there were numerous violations during the election by the Democrats.