It is now necessary to fill in personal data in the online register in advance before entry. The self-insulation will last 10 days
The new quarantine rules for those who enter Germany from countries with adverse epidemiological conditions came into effect on Sunday. According to the Die Zeit newspaper, self-isolation will last 10 days instead of 14 as it used to be, but personal data will have to be entered in the online register before entry.
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Until today, entrants could take a coronavirus test and, if negative, terminate the quarantine at any time. This possibility remains in place, but only from day five onwards in self-isolation.
The exceptions concern people in transit to Germany, as well as truck drivers who transport cargo across the border; drivers and pilots, diplomats, and authorities who return from foreign trips. There will be no need to quarantine people from border regions who go to another country for purchases.
The German authorities are constantly updating the list of countries with unfavourable epidemiological conditions. Almost all of Europe, including Russia, is now on the list. All of Italy, some regions in Denmark, Lithuania, Portugal and Sweden have been added this week.