The second day after the elections ended in clashes with the police in New York City

The campaign was organised by the Black Lives Matter movement, but it was joined by all those who were dissatisfied with the situation in the country due to the uncertainty following the presidential elections.

The protests in New York City for the second consecutive day will end with clashes with the police and detentions. According to the TASS correspondent, several hundred people took to the streets of Manhattan on Thursday.


Protesters shouted slogans ranging from “Reduce the police budget” to “There is no stopping the revolution”. Initially, the action was organised by the Black Lives Matter movement and representatives of the LGBT community, but it was joined by all those who were dissatisfied with the situation in the country due to the uncertainty following the presidential election.

Participants gathered in Stonewall Square, an important LGBT movement in history, and marched through several streets in lower Manhattan. At one point, the police started asking them to leave the driveway.

“Our city is our streets”, –  the protesters shouted back and insulted the police with foul language.

Law enforcement itself is much more determined than it was at the African American rights rally in early summer. In the event of disobedience, they brutally repel protesters, beat and detain people for no apparent reason.

In lower Manhattan, there are areas with expensive restaurants and shops. It was contrasting that while some New Yorkers were fighting the police, others sat literally a couple of meters away at street terrace tables and filmed what was happening. Remembering the summer robberies, shop windows in the area were stained with plywood shields even before the elections. However, so far they have not come in handy: by night the protesters disperse and do not go on looting.