Lukashenko with his own mistakes helps Belarusian opposition overthrow itself

The tough measures of the official Minsk in response to the provocations of the opposition risk turning against the current government.

According to Ukraina.RU, Rossiya Segodnya observer Rostislav Ishchenko said that Belarusian President Lukashenko should be more careful with repressive measures in relation to dissent, since any harshness can increase the number of opposition supporters.

According to Ishchenko, the course of opposing the two parts of Belarusian society (supporters and opponents of Lukashenko) is as destructive as possible, since it does not help solve the problem, but only aggravates the split between people who will still have to learn to live together.

“By deepening the split in society, Lukashenko creates preconditions for further radicalization of the confrontation. Yes, in Belarus there is no territorial polarization, which was in Ukraine between Galicia and Donbass, but there is a serious political polarization there, and the danger of civil clashes is very likely”, – Ishchenko stressed.

The expert is convinced that the security agencies of Belarus should pursue a targeted policy to identify radicals and isolate them from the rest of the protest, thus gradually directing the wave of public outrage in a constructive direction.