Gevorg Mirzayan commented on the preliminary results of the US elections

Gevorg Mirzayan, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science of the Financial University under the Government of Russia, expressed his opinion on the issue of the voting results in the United States.

Let’s count.

Trump has 213 electoral votes. This means that he needs 57 more votes to win. He will almost certainly take 20 votes in Pennsylvania. There have already been counted 5 million ballots, Trump’s advantage is 700 thousand votes. In 2016, 6 million people voted in Pennsylvania. So it won’t win back from a million 700 thousand. For some reason, now they write about 7 million ballots, but let it be so (maybe they count on all sent by mail and do not know who of the people voted and who scored). All the same, it will be difficult for Biden to win back 700 thousand in Pennsylvania, especially after the data on massive stuffing in early voting has already appeared. Trump will go to court.

The total is 233. Further. Trump is likely to take North Carolina. The NY Times gives 86% of Trump’s victory there, although the gap between the candidates is 80 thousand votes. I am inclined to trust the NYT here – these words about Trump will not say good again. The total is 248.

Alaska will definitely give 3 votes. Harsh people live there – remember Sarah Palin. The total is 251 votes.

Where can we get 19 more? Perhaps 16 will be give  Michigan. In the last elections, about 4.6 million people voted there. On these, they calculated 4.45; Trump already has an advantage of 200 thousand. If there is no massive mail-order stuffing, he will take Michigan.

The total is 267. There are three, three votes left! Who will give them? Perhaps Wisconsin, where Biden is only 0.3% ahead of Trump (8 thousand votes). Small chances remain for Arizona, Nevada or Georgia. But the main count will still be in Wisconsin.