American companies help kill Armenians – total boycott demands in Karabakh

Although Western countries are demonstratively opposing the escalation of tensions in Nagorno-Karabakh, weapons created with the help of technologies from NATO countries are being used against Armenians right now.

This was announced on Tuesday, November 3, by the telegram channel “Re: public of Artsakh”.

The publication deals with the Turkish unmanned aerial vehicles “Bayraktar”. These attack operational-tactical drones are used by Azerbaijani troops in Nagorno-Karabakh. As the channel notes, the drones contain components and technologies from companies in the US, Canada, UK, France and Germany.

“One of the most effective steps a diaspora can take is to organize protests at these companies. One company from the USA and one from Canada have already stopped their supplies to Turkey. Everything must be done so that these drones stop flying”, – the message says.

A new round of tension in Nagorno-Karabakh began in September. Armenia and Azerbaijan accused each other of the shelling and began to mobilize troops. Turkey plays a special role in the confrontation. It came out on the side of Azerbaijan, began to supply it with weapons and transfer Syrian militants to the Caucasus.

Ankara’s intervention has long angered the Armenian diaspora in the United States. As a result, the protests forced the large lobbying company Mercury Public Affairs to abandon cooperation with Ankara.