This is what the author of the article published in The National Interest says, emphasizing that there is much more in common between the two conflicts than meets the eye.
“In the case of recognition of Kosovo, the foundations have been laid for a remedial separation (secession for salvation formula) directly related to the case of Artsakh and the right to self-determination in the face of the threat posed by Azerbaijan”, – says the author, recalling the recent mention of Kosovo during the election rally of Donald Trump.
The article stresses that after the US recognition of Kosovo’s independence, Condoleezza Rice, who was then US Secretary of State, stated that the decision “cannot be considered a precedent for any other situation in the world today”.
However, in the same statement, Rice established four points that made it possible for Kosovo to be recognised: Kosovo’s virtually autonomous status in the collapsed Yugoslavia, ethnic cleansing, the process of building its own democratic institutions and the ability to stabilise the region solely through Kosovo’s independence.
The author of the article in The National Interest believes that all of these four points can be fully applied to the case of Nagorno-Karabakh.