According to Brian Taylor, Professor and Political Scientist at Syracuse University, Russia’s policy needs to change in order to create an impetus for major changes in U.S.-Russian relations.
Washington’s policy towards Moscow after the US presidential election will not change, and the chances of improving bilateral relations “are almost equal to zero”. This opinion was expressed on Sunday by Brian Taylor, Professor of Political Science at Syracuse University in New York, in response to TASS’ question.
“I do not expect any significant changes in U.S.-Russian relations after the presidential election”, – he said. – “Despite all the statements made by [incumbent US President] Donald Trump in the 2016 election campaign, little has changed in this relationship during his 4 years at the White House. In areas such as arms control, the relationship has deteriorated. If [Democratic candidate] Joseph Biden wins the election, he has already made it clear that he does not expect improved relations with Russia on most of the problems that our countries face. Only in the area of arms control at Biden can there be some improvement, especially in the extension of the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms.”
As for the situation in Ukraine, as Taylor stressed, “there is a bipartisan consensus in the US that the responsibility for this conflict lies primarily with Russia.”
In his opinion, a change in Russian policy is necessary to create an incentive for major changes in US-Russian relations. “There may be some differences in nuances as to what goals could be achieved through diplomatic means, but the chances of improving relations are almost zero until Russia changes its policy”, – he said.