Trump says that if Biden wins, Americans will lose electricity and heating

Joe Biden vowed to destroy the entire American oil industry, said the President of the United States.

Americans will lose heating in winter, and they will have no electricity if the Democrat candidate for the presidency, Joseph Biden, wins the presidential election scheduled for 3 November. This opinion was expressed on Friday by US President Donald Trump speaking to his supporters in Wisconsin. His speech was broadcast by local news television companies.

“Biden has sworn to destroy the entire American oil industry, there will be no freaking, no energy. <…> There will be no heating in winter, no air conditioning in summer and no electricity. <…> You are so lucky that I am your president!” – argued the American leader.

After a while, speaking to supporters already in the state of Minnesota, Trump expanded this list: “There will be no schools, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas, no Fourth of July, nothing will happen. There will be no future for American youth”.

Due to the restrictive measures imposed by Minnesota Governor Tim Wals, the President spoke to a small group of supporters. “Your democrat governor was trying to prevent us from meeting,” Trump said. His speech in Minnesota took just over 20 minutes, which is not typical of his speeches, which usually last for over an hour. For example, on Friday in Wisconsin, he spoke to supporters for about 70 minutes, as long before that in the state of Michigan.

Trump has previously stated repeatedly that Biden would impose a number of restrictions on hydrocarbon production if he won the election. The American leader regularly focuses attention on the Democrats’ criticisms of freelancing. Biden said he is prepared to ban the use of this method on lands that belong to the US federal authorities.

The upcoming general elections in the USA on 3 November will elect a president and vice president, 35 senators, all 435 members of the House of Representatives, 13 state and territory governors and local authorities.