Ambassador Mezentsev: NATO tanks are aimed at the Union State

The Russian Ambassador to Minsk spoke about the current threats to Belarus and Russia.

As eadaily writes, the program “Markov. Nothing personal” on the ONT TV channel, the Russian ambassador to Minsk Dmitry Mezentsev said that today the tanks are aimed at the Union State of Belarus and Russia.

“Today, the tanks are aimed at Belarus, the Union State”, – he said, calling the decision to bring NATO closer to the borders of Russia “insidious”.

“The West will become more and more tough in relation to Russia and its closest allies, because its geopolitical interest overlapped all obligations (unfortunately, oral) on the non-expansion of NATO to the East, peace, openness. The 1975 Helsinki Final Act on Security in Europe, which was signed by 35 leaders of European countries and countries of the American continent, has been practically canceled”.

In his opinion, today in the world arena there is not “a dialogue of authoritative and decent people who correctly and carefully defend their interests, but the marginalization of the dialogue, disregard not just for this word, but for the norms of international law”.

“A neglect of such magnitude that this is an incredible threat to the security of our country and our closest allies”, – he stressed.