Germany supported Russia and the US in their efforts to extend the START Treaty

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said that more control over arms and the disarmament process should be achieved.

Germany welcomes the desire of Moscow and Washington to extend the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. This was announced by German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas at a press conference in Berlin on Monday following talks with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi.


The German minister said that more control over arms and the disarmament process should be achieved. “Now, unfortunately, this is not happening to the extent that we would like to”, –  he said.  – “In this regard, it is good that the US and Russia have made it clear that they want to keep the START Treaty. It remains one of the pillars of arms control”, –  stressed Maas.

“I welcome the fact that both the US and Russia have stated that they are in principle interested in the extension of the START Treaty and that negotiations will take place on this” , –  he added. – “We have informed both parties that we are ready to support all these negotiations and initiatives to the best of our ability”, –  said Maas. –  “And I am sure that, if there is a desire in general, it will eventually be possible to move on to the extension of this important treaty”, –  concluded the German Foreign Minister.