America is on its way to civil war. Alexander Rogers

Nobody wants to make an agreement. Nobody is trying to reach an agreement. Nobody is interested in making an agreement. Everyone wants to push their opponents by force. Destroy physically

I am now trying to keep a close eye on what is happening in the C(p)SH. And not only because of the upcoming elections, but also because of some of my theories and predictions.

And so I come across a program on the American patriotic channel America First, where two people – the presenter, Dr. Sebastian Gorka and his guest – are discussing, among other issues (mainly related to elections and the work of the media) the possibility of civil war in the United States.

In the course of the conversation it turns out that both the guest and presenter once served in the U.S. Marines, all these “semprefidelis” as they should be (and there is another third expert who also served there).

Both of them are dressed in suits, of an intelligent kind, with the right speech. You can’t even say it in appearance.
And the conversation about the probability of civil war at some point turns into “yes, we will crush them, we have the overwhelming advantage”.

I’m like, “Wow, they’re talking to me”.

It’s not the talk about the possibility of civil war that is indicative. Although neither is he.

But this faceless treatment of “they” opponents (and everybody understands who they mean by that), this made-up, this willingness to “squash” and kill their own fellow citizens – they are extremely indicative.

To understand: the people of Donbass have been scared by pro-Western propaganda for over ten years. What has not been broadcasted – and that there is one illiterate bull living there (that is, if it is true, the first place in Ukraine in terms of the number of technical patents, and not only), and that there are criminals or descendants of criminals, and all sorts of nicknames were invented and told that it is necessary to drop a nuclear bomb on this region (if there was, it probably would have dropped).

And despite all this, in the first months of the war, the regular army sent to suppress the regions that did not want to recognise the results of the state revolution was practically unable to make civilians shoot. This is why the first blood on the Nazis came from “hundreds of Maidan” and Turchinov’s criminals.

It is difficult to force an untrained person to shoot at other people. Especially if they are your own citizens, “their own”.
And here we see that the maiming has already happened. And the system of “one’s own” has already been shifted from the borders of the state to its streets.

And the readiness to kill is not being talked about by some street scumbags, but by refined intellectuals, the middle class and the intellectual elite. Who are engaged in analytics and write books.

And they don’t go to “crush” conversations in the middle of a bloodthirsty crowd, but in a cozy studio and in a calm atmosphere.

In combination with fresh sociology, the fact that more than forty percent of Americans are ready for violence in the event of election fraud (2-5% of such ready-made ones are enough to start real violence in practice) is already a very strong symptom.

And the heat of hate propaganda on both sides is only increasing day by day.

Nobody wants to come to an agreement. Nobody is trying to come to an agreement. Nobody is interested in making an agreement. Everyone wants to push their opponents by force. Destroy physically.
And we warned you.

Alexander Rogers