Thousands of Israelis are protesting in front of Netanyahu’s official residence
According to the organisers, 260,000 people participated in the protests across the country.
Weekly protests against the Israeli leader have thus resumed after the extraordinary restrictions imposed as part of the isolation caused by the coronavirus were raised.
The protests were limited last month when Israel imposed new quarantine measures in response to a new virus explosion.
The emergency measures blocked the possibility of Israelis going to protest in Jerusalem, allowing only small demonstrations up to 1 km away from home.
Protesters gather in the centre of Jerusalem for a march near the official residence of Netanyahu. They chant “Revolution!” and carry posters demanding the resignation of the Prime Minister. Less demonstrations have taken place in other cities.
The Israeli media reported several cases of violence by radicals. In the city of Haifa, the police reported three arrested people suspected of using pepper spray against demonstrators.
According to health authorities, emergency restrictions have reduced infection rates and Israel is now beginning to ease quarantine by opening kindergartens and some businesses. The full opening is expected to take several months.