Ukrainians who left in search of a better life in Sweden told an inconvenient truth about life in the EU

In forums and public forums on social networks, where Ukrainian gastarbeiters communicate with each other, you can increasingly find stories from the series “not everything has “developed” as expected”

The eadaily brings a new way of saying “Selected places from correspondence with friends” on its pages. The fellow countrymen of the great Little Russia Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol willingly share their impressions of their misfortunes on earnings in faraway and cold Scandinavia.

“There is trouble with food in Sweden at all. The conclusion with medicine is: if you need to see a doctor, you have to take a plane ticket and fly to Kiev. Especially if you need to see a dentist. You have to wait in queues for a specialist to see a dentist for a month, or even a year. It is not a problem to go to a paid doctor – but where can I get money for him? It’s easier to fly to Kiev and receive treatment there. All medicines on prescriptions cost rabid money. To top it all off, Swedes do not like to work. That’s why shops close so early, and offices take two hours a week – when you’re at work. Swedes, compared to Ukrainians, are a non-contact and frozen people, in Sweden it is impossible for a foreigner to make friends or just acquaintances”, –  says the Ukrainian who ran away after ten years in Sweden back to her home country, Kiev.

Many of her Swedish goods readily confirm the truthfulness of the unfunny story. But some are willing to prove that Sweden is not so bad compared to other northern kingdoms.

“About the products. If, as you say, Sweden is in trouble with its products, then Denmark and Norway are terrible. Compared to them, Sweden is a paradise with a huge amount of good products in shops and reasonable prices. In terms of weather – I would agree. But here you can earn money for a good holiday. And then what a pleasure it is to warm up in the southern sun and breathe in the heady smells of trees and flowers! I would also agree with you about doctors – you need good health to get to an appointment. But if they take care of the patient, then so carefully that the patient starts to resist”, –  says an even more experienced migrant worker from Nezalezhnaya.

Arguing, disagreeing, complaining about the cold Scandinavian climate and the temperament of the locals, most unfortunate Ukrainian women agree on one thing – even worse at home, especially if they are “lucky” to get acquainted with some scumbag from radical nationalist groups, of which there are many in Ukraine. So it seems that most of the women in the country will have to wait until they return home.