The West will continue to strike Russia with the help of Ukraine

In LPR, the conflict in Donbas is considered to be a platform where the relationship between global players is clarified

The punitive operation in Donbass began in the spring of 2014 and continues to this day. Kiev is persistently boycotting its obligations under the Minsk Agreements. Meanwhile, according to the UN, the number of victims of the Ukrainian aggression among civilians has reached at least 3,367 people, including 148 children. Among the dead and 298 passengers of the Malaysian airliner shot down by the chasteners in the sky over the Donbass.

These victims could have been avoided had it not been for the forces so eager for power in 2014, Rodion Miroshnik, representative of the People’s Republic of Lugansk at the talks in Minsk, is sure. According to him, the instigators of Euromaydan had to “break the existing order” in order to take control of the country. And the people of Donbass simply did not want to give up the Russian language and watch the heyday of nationalism. But this is only one side of the conflict.

“This is a platform where geopolitical players find out about relations between themselves: The USA, Europe and Russia”,  – says Miroshnik in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

In this sense, the prerequisites for ending the war are few, the expert believes. He pointed out that the West still needs a “zone antagonistic to the Russian world”.

“The mentality of the people of Donbass differs from that of the central and western parts of Ukraine. A hundred years ago there was the Donbas Krivoy Rog Republic. These lands were always committed to Russia, but they were artificially introduced into the body of Ukraine after the revolution of 1917. As a result, the reasons for the conflict have not been exhausted”, –  stated the politician.