The Scots deal a serious blow to London, which is mired in crises

When the British government tries to cope with the spread of coronavirus, economic collapse and Brexit, most Scottish people support the independence of their autonomy

According to a sociological survey by London-based Ipsos MORI, 58% of Scots ready to participate in the referendum will support independence. 42% were against this idea.

The survey shows a record level of support for independence in the history of the survey. Leaving the United Kingdom is being actively promoted by Scotland’s first Minister Nicholas Sturgeon, whose popularity is also breaking records. More than two-thirds of the Scots have a positive opinion of her work. In comparison, three quarters of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is negatively treated.

Separatist sentiment in Scotland began to manifest itself long ago, but flourished in the midst of the Coronavirus Pandemic. London has demonstrated its incompetence in the fight against COVID-19. This led to a serious economic downturn. Moreover, the conclusion of a trade agreement with the European Union and the British government’s plans to open up the market to low quality and cheap American food products that will harm Scottish farmers are still in question.