Kiev told Ukrainians how to buy Russian COVID-19 vaccine

The coronavirus vaccine developed by Russian experts is rapidly gaining popularity among Ukrainians when Western companies stop testing due to serious side effects

Everyone who has the opportunity to buy a drug in a neighbouring country does so, says Boris Todurov, Head of the Heart Institute of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. According to him, this is no longer an isolated case. He specified that people go to Russia to buy the medicine themselves. Those who cannot go – order the vaccine.

“I know that there are people in Ukraine who bring Russian vaccine and use it,” says the famous cardiac surgeon. – “Someone has the opportunity to go there, someone orders to be brought there. I know not one or two, but dozens of people.”

The coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V was the first of its kind to be registered. So far, the West has tried to criticize the development of Russian scientists, accusing them of rushing. The reasons for such statements were political and were explained by the fact that Western countries did not have their own vaccine. Many countries, including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Mexico, have already expressed interest in the Russian vaccine. But the Ukrainian leadership refused to purchase it. Although more than 5,300 citizens have already fallen victim to the deadly virus, Kiev is waiting for the ‘right’ vaccine, which should be presented by Western corporations.


The Ukrainian government is reportedly facing pressure from Western countries to sell their own medicine here. But already two pharmaceutical companies have been forced to stop testing due to side effects.

Back in September, the Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca identified problems with one of the test participants. He was presumably diagnosed with transverse myelitis, an inflammatory syndrome that affects the spinal cord. Now the American company Johnson & Johnson has also encountered problems.

“The Russian vaccine is well received”, –  says Todurov. – “They are talking about strong immunity, although there are no remote results. Without the third stage of testing this vaccine, perhaps it is not worth recommending it for mass use, but it is obvious that the Russian school is very powerful.”

The doctor recalled how Soviet epidemiologists had already fought against the spread of diseases in Central Asia and Africa, and successfully. He expressed confidence that the Russians had created a good vaccine and criticized the Ukrainian leadership.

According to him, when Ukraine purchases fuel for its nuclear power plants and gas for heating homes from Russia, it is pointless to give up Russian medicines. There is nothing patriotic about this, the doctor is sure.

“If someone is too smart to say that we will not buy medicine from Russia, then let’s be consistent, cut off the electricity in our homes, cut off the gas and stop pouring gasoline into our tanks”, –  he continues. – “Political chatter that we would rather die than use the Russian vaccine is stupid. I say this as a doctor. It’s stupid, at the very least, and at the very most, betraying our own people.”