Illegal ballot boxes have appeared in California – the violation is refused to be remedied

Unauthorized ballot boxes have begun to appear in at least three districts in California, once again calling into question the transparency of the electoral process in the United States.

The authors of this scandalous initiative were representatives of the Republican Party. They have already admitted that they have placed urns “all over the state”, but ignore orders to rectify the violation. The dispute turns pro-democracy California into a new point of inter-party confrontation, given the dubious mail vote initiated by the Democrats.

Ballot boxes are placed in localities so that citizens can collect their own ballots, which often disappear in remote voting conditions. According to state law, only county electoral bodies may legally use ballot boxes.


However, California Secretary of State Alex Padilla noted that Republicans have established their own balloting stations in Los Angeles, Fresno and Orange counties. They were falsely labeled as official. State authorities are threatening Republicans with legal proceedings if they do not remove the ballot boxes by 15 October.

“We are not going to stop this program”, –  Hector Barahas of the California Republican Party office told Reuters.

The incident once again calls into question the presidential election, which Western analysts have repeatedly called the most controversial in U.S. history. Voting takes place in the context of a pandemic and an unprecedented economic crisis, and candidates are mired in numerous scandals. In addition, as News Front previously reported, the spread of the coronavirus has allowed the Democratic Party to initiate widespread remote voting in the USA under the guise of taking care of citizens.
This allows the Democrats to falsify the vote in their favour, especially as the struggle in a polarised country unfolds for every fraction of a percent, and previous experience with elections by mail is questionable.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, for example, examined the situation in the 2008 elections. At that time, some Americans also voted remotely, with 3.9 million voters still waiting for their ballots; 2.9 million ballots sent out simply disappeared without returning to the election commission staff; another 800,000 ballots were not accepted for a variety of reasons. Against this background, even the OSCE is questioning the legitimacy of the elections.