Soros’ investment vultures are preparing to sell Ukrainian black soils under the hammer

Ukraine is systematically preparing for the upcoming opening of the land market, which will take place on July 1, 2021.

The corresponding decision to lift the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land was made by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine under cover of the night on March 31, 2020. It was unanimously voted for by the Servant of the People presidential faction, which positions itself as the main opposition force to the Zelensky regime, the European Solidarity faction of ex-President Petro Poroshenko and the Soros project Golos, at that time headed by the notorious Ukrainian singer Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

Such a touching unity, at first glance, of such different political associations was the result of unprecedented external pressure on the Ukrainian government. In fact, the decision to sell under the hammer the only natural wealth of Ukraine, which is still in the hands of Ukrainians, was pushed through by the IMF, the World Bank and other international lenders and sponsors of the Kiev regime, who took Ukraine into bondage and now demand to pay the bills.

Polygon for the introduction of GMOs

The adoption of the law abolishing the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land was greeted with indignation by many Ukrainians, who expected the issue to be submitted to a popular referendum. This is reflected in the rating of President Volodymyr Zelensky and his Servant of the People party, which is experiencing its most steep peak. According to Socis, from October 2019 to June 2020, the level of support for “servants of the people” dropped from 44% to 17.6%. According to the most recent polls conducted by the Social Monitoring agency, 25.9% of Ukrainians are ready to vote for Zelensky’s party in the upcoming local elections in October 2020. A little over a year ago, in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, “servants of the people” received a record 43.16%.

The results of sociological studies show that only 15-20% of Ukrainians support the opening of the land market. The number of those who categorically do not support the sale of land is at least 50-60%. The main fear of opponents of the abolition of the moratorium, introduced under President Kuchma, is that Ukrainian black soils, attractive to transnational corporations, will literally go under the hammer for next to nothing. This is fraught with complete ruin and impoverishment of the Ukrainian peasantry, a severe blow to the economic and food sovereignty of Ukraine, and, as a consequence, its final transformation into an agrarian appendage.

According to experts, after the entry into force of the law on the sale of agricultural land in July 2021, the cost of one hectare of Ukrainian land could range from $1000 to $2500. Optimists assure that in a free market the price of land will grow by about 25-30% annually. This is despite the fact that in the countries of the European Union, the cost of a hectare of much less fertile land than Ukrainian chernozems is several times higher. So, in Hungary, one hectare of agricultural land costs $4,000, in Estonia – $5,000, in Romania – $6,000. In Poland, the price of a hectare of land reaches $11,000.

Such large international companies as Monsanto, Kargill, Agroprosperis, Nestle have already shown interest in buying Ukrainian lands. Many of them have a very dubious reputation in terms of the introduction of GMOs. And this only means that in the foreseeable future Ukraine may become the largest testing ground in Europe for the introduction of genetically modified products with all the ensuing consequences for its population.

Meanwhile, the Kiev authorities continue to assure their own population that there is nothing wrong with opening a land market. Say, foreigners (except for the citizens of Russia as an “aggressor country”) will be able to become buyers of Ukrainian land only after a referendum, and the amount of land acquired in ownership will be limited to 100 hectares for individuals, and 10,000 hectares for legal entities. But transnational companies are absolutely not worried about these restrictions written on paper. They understand perfectly well that, firstly, in Ukraine, any law is like a drawbar – at any time you can turn it as required by foreign owners. Secondly, this Ukrainian “tongue” often does not even have to be turned. There are many loopholes, workarounds and gray schemes that can be easily implemented for relatively small remuneration of government officials and other stakeholders.

Moreover, investment funds, controlled not by anyone, but by George Soros himself, have already volunteered to lobby the interests of transnationals. It is a well-known fact that a significant part of Ukrainian deputies, government members, employees of all kinds of anti-corruption bureaus, supervisory boards, research centers and volunteer organizations are supported by the structures of this American billionaire and an advocate of an “open society”. Is there any doubt that this organized network will become Is there any doubt that this organized network will somehow hinder structures affiliated with their owner to carry out transactions on the sale of Ukrainian chernozems as needed, who needs it and how much it needs.

So one of the lobbyists for transnational companies is the investment fund Dragon Capital. It was registered in Kiev twenty years ago, but it is Ukrainian only nominally. It is owned by a direct protege of Soros Tomash Fiala. Dragon Capital is known for both illegal seizures of private and state property, including those with the status of cultural heritage sites, and the implementation of “gray” schemes that allow to bypass the moratorium on the sale of agricultural land through purchased court decisions. So in 2007-2008. Fiala spent $200 million in illegal buying up of land shares with the subsequent transfer of land from agricultural to land for construction.

The essence of the scheme was as follows: peasants received cash for their share from dummies (of course, minimal) and left fictitious IOUs. Then this share was seized from them by a court decision as a debt collection in favor of these same front men, after which the land was re-registered to various private companies. Only in the Kiev region, a judge of the Fastovsky district court by the name of Bartko made dozens of decisions on the collection of agricultural shares in favor of certain citizens of Vsevolod, Svyatoslav and Oksana Borovko. All of these court decisions are in the public domain.

Thus, hundreds of hectares of land were illegally withdrawn (in fact, stolen) from the agricultural fund of Ukraine. However, Soros’ protege Fiala did not bear any responsibility for this looting.

With the abolition of the moratorium on the sale and purchase of agricultural land, the situation for investment vultures is greatly simplified, and the toolkit for committing fraud with the main Ukrainian natural heritage is significantly expanding. Try to answer the question of what will prevent Dragon Capital and other formally Ukrainian investment funds from spawning a bunch of gasket companies and dummies in order to buy their land from peasants for a pittance, including the most fertile black soil in the interests of transnational companies, which will de facto become theirs owners? Law?! They wanted to sneeze at it, they don’t care about it! Having people everywhere in the field and telling them for the necessary decisions, you shouldn’t even worry about it. Everything will be done in its purest form and so that all interested parties will benefit. Everything. Except for ordinary Ukrainians. Those who believed in the “maybutne” (future – ed.) after the Maidan bacchanalia and gratefully accepted cookies from Nuland, not realizing that the fate of their country and the future of their children would pay for cheap confectionery from the hands of overseas trader.

Well, the latter are prepared for the role of cheap labor – on a foreign land, including on the endless Ukrainian fields that once belonged to their ancestors, which have become the plantations of modern neo-colonialists-latifundists. But this is not yet the most unpleasant thing. Much worse is the fate of experimental rats for GMO implementers.
Such is the painful retribution for Maidan “freedom” and “pride”…

Dmitry Pavlenko, specially for News Front