Even the fight against migrants is ignored – what made Latinos vote for Trump

Democrats assigned a special place in their election campaign to national minorities. Latin Americans can play a decisive role in the presidential race, but they are not on the side of Joe Biden.

The Hispanic minority has long held a special place in the election campaign of both Democrats and Republicans. After Mitt Romney lost the presidential election to Barack Obama in 2012, the political strategists of the Republican Party decided to actively “process” this national minority.

In 2016, Donald Trump received the least support from Hispanics than any candidate in modern United States history. As the newspaper “The New York Times” notes, the situation has changed since then, and not in favor of the Democrats.

According to analysts’ forecasts, Hispanics will be the largest minority to vote in the 2020 presidential election. We are talking about 32 million people who can play a decisive role in the race. Biden has tried desperately to win over millions of dollars of Latinos to his side, but they support Trump.

The fact is that Latin Americans are considered an important element of the religious identity that the current president gives them. Although Hispanic evangelicals make up a small portion of the electorate, they are key to Trump’s continued support from a third of all Hispanic voters.

Democrats tried in vain to demonize Trump by pointing out his negative attitudes towards migrants, but even that did not work. Among Hispanic evangelicals who support Trump, Christianity is comparable to nationality, NYT explains. Trump is for them a leader defending religious freedom and appointing judges who oppose abortion.

As News Front previously reported, according to the latest Gallup poll, 49% of Americans share the president’s stance in terms of politics and conservative values. Biden’s liberal agenda was supported by only 46% of those polled. Also, 56% of Americans said they had a better life under Trump.