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The world of looking-glass

New York hosts speeches by orthodox Jews against the tightening of quarantine measures. Restaurants, schools (including religious schools), temples and synagogues are being closed again in the city.

Quarantine is being reintroduced due to a slight increase in coronavirus infections – although this figure is 10 times lower than it was in March and April. The number of deaths in New York City ranges from 5 to 20 per day. In April, 1,000 people died daily from the coronavirus.

There is obvious irritation among the local population, who do not understand why they should lock everything up again with such statistics. Those New Yorkers who have not yet left the city definitively are beginning to take to the streets, rallying against the political games of the leadership there.

After all, one of the goals of the quarantine is clear – to prevent the New York City economy from recovering normally before the elections. This will worsen GDP growth and unemployment statistics for all of America and could somehow damage Trump on election day.

The reaction of the New York City authorities is indicative. They threw the police  at the mass arrests of Orthodox Jews protesting, who allegedly violate the rule that no more than 10 people should gather.

More recently, Mayor Bill di Blasio  has spoken out in public in support of the rallies. Only then was it about the pogroms of the “anti-fa” and BLM, which were nobly robbed  by Brooklyn and Manhattan. Attorney General William Barr gave New York City the status of an anarchist zone, where the law is not respected.

New York is a real world of looking-glass. Thunderers are welcome here, and no one will stop them because they will be immediately accused of racism. And those who fight for their religious freedoms and against unjustified restrictions will be immediately blamed by the police.

More than 40% of wealthy residents have already fled New York.  With this situation, the flow of “refugees” from this liberal paradise will only increase day by day.

Malek Dudakov