Blocking the Gulf of Finland – The Baltic is thinking about how to “piss off” Russia and start a war

The Estonian government was armed with a failed World War II plan.

To the benefit of its western partners, the Baltic Republic is ready to inflate the situation in the region at its own expense. Tallinn is already considering increasing militarisation spending from the 2% required by Washington to 2.29% of GDP. We are talking about 645 million euros that the country could spend on fighting the consequences of the coronation crisis. In addition, Estonia will provide 46 million euros in 2022 for the establishment of a coastal defence system.

According to the Polish publication Defence24, the Estonian Defence Ministry will purchase surface-to-surface missiles to destroy Russian ships. Journalists emphasise that Estonia acted in the same way on the eve of World War II.

“At that time, this small country invested in creating coastal batteries and buying a couple of submarines that could lay mines. Together with the Polish and Finnish fleets, they blocked the Gulf of Finland on the eve of the new Soviet aggression”, –  writes Defence24.

The publication recalled that in the past such a strategy of the Baltic Republic was not successful, but wished them good luck in implementing a plan that would certainly provoke an escalation of tensions in the region. Economist Mikhail Belyaev, in turn, said that Estonia would create more problems for itself by undermining its economy through the Gulf of Finland’s blockade. However, in the event of a real conflict, this step will hardly save the republic and its neighbours. Even Western experts are sure that the Baltic States will not survive even a few days if Russia really decides to take the offensive.

“Of course, it is possible to block the shallow and not very wide Gulf of Finland with anti-submarine networks and mines. By the way, this is how the German invaders came along with the Allied Finns during the Great Patriotic War”, –  military expert Vasily Dandykin assessed the situation.