Ex-comrade of Poroshenko released another video with stories about crimes of the former president

Former associate of Petro Poroshenko and ex-deputy David Zhvania published another video message.

In it, he spoke about Viktor Yanukovych and the financing of the Maidan. In addition, according to him, ex-President Poroshenko still manages Ukrainian courts.

The embassy of Lithuania was actively involved in financing the riots in Kiev in 2013 and 2014.

“One of the external sources was the Lithuanian embassy, ​​through which money and weapons were transferred. The internal channel for financing the seizure of power was the Diamantbank, which belonged to me along with other persons. In the future, in order to disguise our crime actions, at the direction of the then President Poroshenko, the National Bank under the leadership of Valeria Gontareva made a decision to classify this bank as insolvent and liquidate it”, – he said.

Yanukovych, as Zhvania says, was blamed for it. We did it to cover up real criminals.