Accusations against Russia that its authorities allegedly poisoned opposition leader Alexei Navalny continue to crumble.
As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, doctors at the Berlin clinic “Charite” did not find traces of chemical warfare agents in his blood, this was done already in the laboratory of the Bundeswehr.
“The wife of Navalny signed a document in which she took upon herself all the consequences of his transportation to Germany, because our doctors were not sure that it was safe. They (Omsk doctors – ed.) did not find any traces of chemical warfare agents, they honestly said about it. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the Charite clinic they did not find any toxic substances in his analyzes, but they did it already in the Bundeswehr clinic. And we still don’t know: did the French and Swedes take these tests themselves, or did the Germans just give them these tests?” – Lavrov said at a meeting with representatives of the Association of European Businesses in Russia (AEB).
Thus, from what the minister said, only one conclusion can be drawn: Russian and German doctors did not find traces of poisoning, but when this case was transferred to the Bundeswehr laboratory, then it was announced that Navalny had been poisoned with a military nerve agent “Novichok”. At the same time, they refused to confirm this, citing a certain “secrecy”.
Nevertheless, Sergei Lavrov noted, the West will certainly try to use the incident with Navalny to test “a new mechanism for imposing sanctions in the OPCW”.
He also noted the unacceptability of the tone that some representatives of the FRG leadership admit in conversation with Moscow.
“I very much hope that this anomaly will pass, and it cannot reflect the true attitude of the Germans towards Russia”, – the minister added.
Against this background, the West is already beginning to express versions of what happened to Navalny, which differ from the unfounded accusations of the FRG authorities. For example, a member of the Berlin Chamber of Deputies Gunnar Lindemann said that the situation with the poisoning of a Russian blogger could be beneficial to US lobbyists wishing to sell American liquefied gas to Germany.
Lindemann called the incident “a drama in three acts”. And it developed, according to him, as follows: the “poisoned” Navalny is first transported to Berlin, despite the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic, then the German authorities refuse to cooperate with Russia in investigating what happened, as a result, the Russian government is accused and demands are made to suspend the construction of “Nord Stream-2”.
“The question is: how stupid do Spiegel journalists really think the Kremlin is? All of this smells like a staging of transatlantic lobbyists and US lobbyists. Only they would benefit from it. They want to sell gas from the US to Germany, which is 30 percent more expensive, and prevent Russian gas supplies, which have been reliable for decades”, – concludes Lindemann, who suspected the Americans lobbying for their LNG in the situation.
Lindemann recalled that Navalny’s training was funded by non-profit organizations (NPOs) close to former US presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. After that, writes the German MP, the oppositionist became an active supporter of Russian extremists, and then showed himself as a blogger associated with the NGO of the American billionaire George Soros. But in reality, Navalny is “a completely insignificant person in Russia and for Russia”, Lindemann believes. The general secretary of the Suvorov Institute in Austria, Patrick Poppel, in turn, told REN TV that Navalny could well have contacted Western intelligence services.
“Did Mr. Navalny have any support from the West? Of course, the opposition of the regime of one or another state is always supported by opponents from abroad. This is a normal process in politics. Did Mr. Navalny work for Western intelligence services or was he a secret agent of foreign intelligence services? It is difficult to answer unequivocally here, but everything suggests that he could have been in contact with employees of foreign special services. It seems quite possible”, – the expert said, noting that Navalny’s hospitalization was beneficial to the West.
Former US intelligence officer Scott Bennett is of the same opinion. He believes that Navalny may have cooperated with the CIA.
“It’s quite possible, because having such agents of influence inside the country is the key that the CIA and other intelligence agencies often use to destabilize the situation there. And there are certain forces in the US government that want a conflict with Russia”, – Bennett said.
But then what about the fact that three more laboratories (including the Swedish, French and the laboratory of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW) allegedly confirmed the conclusions of the German investigation that Navalny was poisoned by Novichok, which Russian prosecutors are now insisting on? And, judging by the formula of the Novichok, as they say, it supposedly belongs to a new, more powerful type?
But in response to this, it is enough to ask a simple question: did these laboratories receive the materials for the analyzes from the “doctors” of the Bundeswehr? That is, from those who falsified them after the German doctors of the Charite clinic, following the doctors from Omsk, did not find any traces of poisoning in the blogger’s analyzes?
Well, if this supposed Novichok was “of an even more powerful type”, then why did Navalny not die immediately, and then recovered so quickly? All this is so sewn with white threads that it does not stand up to any criticism.
It is clear that the USA and other Western countries are trying not to advertise the funding of their agents in Russia. However, some of these handouts became known. So, in 2006, Alexei Navalny and his comrades received an amount of $23,000 from the American National Endowment for Democracy. This was written on the website of the National Endowment for Democracy. In 2007, they received another 43 thousand US dollars. Only in 2012 this fund stopped disclosing the organizations it finances. It is known that this fund for the period 2013-14, provided more than $5 million to Russian commercial and non-commercial funds.
In 2010, Navalny studied in the United States as part of the Yale University scholarship program. This program aims to train a network of new world leaders in American patterns. There, Navalny and his fellow students were provided with housing, transport and a generous scholarship of 35 thousand dollars.
It is known, for example, that Fares Mabruk, Navalny’s classmate at Yale University, then trained and participated in the color revolution in Tunisia with the backstage support of the United States.
Navalny received money from “sponsors” and in Russian rubles. So, in the intercepted information from the InfoTrader portal, it was said that in 2014 and 2015, Navalny’s friend and FBK director Roman Rubanov received 25 million rubles on the account of Alfa Bank. The operations were carried out according to the Cash-in and Recycling schemes: from unknown persons, funds were transferred to 10 personal accounts of Rubanov, and then transferred to all employees of FBK Navalny.
To Navalny, as it was by said the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs Leonid Slutsky, “Western curators assign a very unenviable role – a traitor and a provocateur”. In his opinion, “Navalny’s case has long since passed from one case history to a history of international provocation, indescribable in its arrogance and absurdity”.
“Salisbury’s handwriting, frank “blank spots” in the restoration of all the events of the mythical attack on the blogger, refusal to fulfill Germany’s obligations to cooperate in the provision of legal assistance, the next threats of anti-Russian sanctions, as a culmination – Putin’s accusations from the lips of the rescued Russian pilots and doctors. All this is beyond the bounds of decency”, – the deputy added.
According to Slutsky, the West is using Navalny as a pawn for further pressure on Russia and for politicizing the issue of promoting the Nord Stream-2 project.
But what will happen to Navalny now, when he finally recovers? As a member of the Federation Council Andrei Klimov said, his fate and his return to Russia depend on the decision of Western “puppeteers”.
“But since this public, as they used to say, has long arms, even if this citizen returns, the guardianship will continue”.
At the same time, the politician noted that before Navalny was taken out of Russia for treatment, he was also taken care of by “Western puppeteers”. According to Klimov, people like the opposition are being used as assault troops by foreign forces looking for weaknesses in the system of Russian sovereignty.
He noted that if Navalny plans to return to Russia, then the West needs it that way.
“We believe that Alexei Navalny is being used by Western countries to carry out intelligence operations and search for “weak” spots in our country”, – the senator said.
However, it is not difficult to assume that in the West Navalny has already done his dirty work – he accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of “poisoning”. Therefore, they will now try to throw him back to Russia, in the hope that, promoted by the world media, he will be able to more actively continue his previous activities as a Russophobe in the ranks of the liberal opposition, which is trying to destroy Russia from the inside. And our home-grown “fifth column” does not even hide the fact that it is in this capacity that it is going to be used by Navalny in case of his return.
“Approval of Navalny’s activities has doubled over the past year – from 9 to 20 percent”, – liberal political analyst Abbas Gallyamov rubs his hands on Echo of Moscow.
“And also we must bear in mind that Navalny’s supporters are very active. Much more active than the average voter. Therefore, with a turnout of 50 percent, his 20 will easily turn into 30-35. And what will happen in a year – at the Duma elections?”- Gallyamov pointedly hints.
It is clear, of course, that the political scientist of Echo took these percentages of support for the “Novichok’s victim” from the ceiling, that is, from craftsmen, like those “doctors with epaulettes” from the Bundeswehr who, in Germany, as they now suspect in the West, have forged under the “Novice” analyzes of Navalny.
However, the return to the country of a character who took an active part in such a disgusting provocation against his own country, who lies and slanders it, is unlikely to cause an increase in sympathy for him, as they hope for “Echo”.
Traitors and provocateurs are despised in Russia.
Andrey Sokolov, Centenary