Trump said he wanted to fill a vacancy in the US Supreme Court in connection with the elections as soon as possible

According to the President of the United States, his actions were dictated by the fraudulent practices of the Democratic Party in the run-up to the 3 November elections.

U.S. President Donald Trump is seeking to fill a vacancy in the U.S. Supreme Court as soon as possible due to the country’s upcoming elections in November. The US Chief of Staff himself made this announcement to journalists at the White House on Tuesday before a campaign trip to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The Republican Trump claimed that his actions were dictated by the manipulation in the run-up to the 3 November elections by the US Democratic Party. Trump admitted, however, that he did not rule out the determination of the outcome of the upcoming presidential election in the US Supreme Court.

“We need [all] nine judges <…> Given the millions of unsolicited ballots they [democrats] send [by mail], this is fraud, everyone knows it. And the Democrats know it better than anyone else. So it will take nine judges. I think this will be very important, because what they [democrats] do is ballot-washing. They send out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots <…>”, –  said the American leader.

The question of the current appointment arose when 87-year-old Ruth Bader Ginzburg, the oldest member of the US Supreme Court, died on 18 September. “It would be good to ensure this in the run-up to the election <…>,” Trump said about filling the vacancy in the US Supreme Court.

From the president’s point of view, “Democrats know that what they do is not right. “And all they want to do is implement [such plans],” Trump believes. That’s why I think”, –  he emphasised,  –  “that nine court members will be needed. – “In addition, I have a constitutional obligation to ensure that there are nine judges”, –  said the White House head.

He said that he intends to officially announce the candidacy for the Upper Court, which must then be approved by the US Senate, on Saturday afternoon.

“We will meet on Saturday. Many papers have to be prepared. But I think it will all go very quickly”, –  Trump said.