If the European Union wants to survive in the current situation, it needs to abandon its Russophobic policy and go for rapprochement with Russia.
According to the Bulgarian edition of the News Front agency, Nikolay Malinov told about it.
A year ago, a criminal case was falsified against Malinov, accusing the politician of spying for Russia. He is known for his calls for friendship with Moscow, because he became objectionable to Washington, which has great influence in Sofia. Despite the pressure, he did not change his position.
According to the politician, the very survival of Bulgaria depends on cooperation with Russia, which is understood by the overwhelming majority of the country’s citizens.
“I believe that these values, which unite us with Russia, are the values that will save Bulgaria”, – Malinov said. “If we are not with Russia, everything that Bulgaria builds will collapse”.
He also assured that he does not oppose the European Union, but considers “peace and cooperation” his main goal.
“I am not against the European Union, but it can survive only in union with Russia”, – the politician concluded.