The USA will send volunteers to Georgia to monitor the parliamentary elections

Elections will be held on 31 October.

The US Department of State has decided to send volunteers to Georgia as part of the OSCE mission that will monitor the parliamentary elections on 31 October. The US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo told the Georgian Foreign Minister David Zalkaliani in a letter published on Thursday.


“I thank you for your invitation letter to observe the parliamentary elections on 31 October. <…> We are aware of the challenges that exist with movement due to the new coronavirus, which may complicate the formation of a full-scale mission. The Department will select volunteers from the United States to join the ODIHR/OSCE mission”, –  the letter says.

Pompeo also notes that he appreciates Georgia’s efforts to hold elections in a transparent environment.

“Competitive environment, accurate implementation of electoral reforms, respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights of assembly and association are important both on election day and before and after elections”, –  says the US Secretary of State.

In addition to the State Department, the US Embassy in Tbilisi, the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the International National Democratic Institute (NDI) will be monitoring elections in Georgia.