Tomorrow the decision on a six-month extension of the EU sanctions against Russia will come into force

The Council of the European Union has previously extended its restrictive measures against natural and legal persons in Russia and Ukraine.


As reported by TASS, in the regulation on sanctions published on Friday in the “Official Journal of the EU” it is said that the decision of the Council of the EU to extend for six months – until March 15, 2021 – the EU sanctions against Russia will come into force on September 12.

“The EU Council Decision of 10 September on the extension of sanctions against individuals and entities that undermine the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine will come into force the day after its publication in the EU Official Journal” , –  the document says.

On 10 September, the EU Council extended for six months individual restrictive measures (blacklist) against individuals and entities in Russia and Ukraine imposed after events in Ukraine. The decision was taken by the Council in written form, i.e. without discussion.