Pompeo believes that China is more dangerous for the US than Russia

The Communist Party of China is building up its armed forces, it has infiltrated the U.S. in a way that Russia did not, said the U.S. Secretary of State.

American Secretary of State Michael Pompeo believes that China poses a greater threat to the United States than Russia. The head of the U.S. foreign ministry announced this version on Wednesday on the Fox News channel.

Pompeo was asked a question about which country is more dangerous for the United States – China or Russia. “The most serious threat to the United States from a foreign power comes from the Communist Party of China (CPC),” said the secretary of state. According to him, “the CPC is building up its armed forces, it has infiltrated the U.S. in a way that Russia did not.

According to Pompeo, because of China in the U.S. were “destroyed tens of thousands of jobs”.

“These are unacceptable actions. President [U.S. Donald] Trump will not allow that to continue”,  –  the secretary of state said.

Minister of Justice – U.S. Attorney General William Barr on Wednesday on CNN said that China is more active than Russia in terms of the influence attributed to these countries in the U.S. elections.

Barr was asked which of the three countries – Russia, China or Iran – is more aggressively trying to intervene in U.S. electoral processes. “I think it’s China”,  — the minister answered. –  “I came to this conclusion because I saw the intelligence”, –  he said. He further explained that this is an alleged attempt to “influence the U.S.”.