Lithuania threatens Belarus with new sanctions

Disappointed that events in Belarus do not follow their scenario, Lithuanian politicians come up with new sanctions against Minsk.

According to TASS, on Tuesday on the air of the national radio LRT announced that the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania Rita Tamashyunene said that the unified list of personal sanctions of the Baltic States against persons responsible, according to Vilnius, for “falsification of the presidential elections in Belarus and the use of violence against protesters” is not final for Lithuania.

“We do not consider the list, which has been agreed with Latvia and Estonia and which includes 30 people, to be final for Lithuania”, –  the Minister states.

According to the Minister, Vilnius intends to return to work on its sanctions list, which includes 118 people.

“We can announce our national list, which would be wider”, –  Tamasiunene said.