German “Left” demands the withdrawal of Germany from NATO

This is not just an appeal by one of the parliamentary parties, but a strict condition for their entry into a possible future coalition in the Bundestag.

According to the tg-channel “DOCTOR SOSNOVSKY”, the German “Lefts” are ready to work in the coalition government, but one of the conditions is the immediate withdrawal of the FRG from NATO.

The influential magazine “Der Spiegel” writes about this.

“While these are fantasies, but never say never,” the channel’s author comments on the news.

According to the experts of the tg-channel “ANB”, the Germans, of course, will not leave any NATO. From the “Left” side, this is just a designation of an extreme position for the beginning of a political bargaining, but it does not matter.

“Another thing is important, five to ten years ago, it was absolutely impossible to imagine serious talks about a coalition in the Bundestag between the traditional pillars of West German parliamentarism, the CDU / CSU and the SPD, and the kurguzi fragment of the Honecker SED. Timid attempts to interact were made only at the level of local Landtags. Federal politicians in West Germany dismissed the “Left” as lepers, considering even the idea of ​​cooperation with them blasphemous and criminal. And now a whole “Der Spiegel” calls them a likely participant in the future coalition. The Father is so? Yes, everything is simple – the nationally oriented “Alternative for Germany” is stepping on the heels of globalists from traditional parties, so much so that they really start to burn. And apparently it burns so strongly that they are ready to make a deal even with the devil himself, and not just with the “Left” who suddenly became an “acceptable option”. The flags of the Kaiser Empire near the walls of the Reichstag scared someone to death in Berlin, ”experts say.