Ukraine, afraid of hot protests, has frozen all contacts with Belarus

The Kiev authorities cut off contacts with the government of Belarus, which is trying to overthrow Poland and Lithuania right now.

As known, the Ukrainian government faced a serious dilemma in connection with what is happening in the neighboring country. When protests engulfed Belarus and Western countries refused to recognise the results of the presidential election, Kiev had to make a choice: demonstrate its loyalty to the West or support official Minsk.

The choice would have been easier if Belarus had not been such an important trading partner for Ukraine. As a result, Kiev was unable to form a clear position. Now, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba announced that contacts with the Belarusian government, though not stopped, but “put on pause.”

“At the moment, in fact, all our contacts with the Belarusian side are put on pause. I can officially tell you about it”, –  the official said.

He emphasized that the contacts will be restored when Kiev will make sure that they will not harm the reputation of Ukraine.