The U.S. issued a prejudice and unfair travel advisory regarding Pakistan

The U.S. Department of State — Bureau of Consular Affairs, issued a travel advisory on the 6th of August 2020, recommending not to travel to Pakistan.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Pakistan due to COVID-19

This advice is baseless, unrealistic, and bais. The U.S. is using such tactics to coerce others, and it happened many times in history. Notably, the Trump Administration has been politicizing COVID-19 to its vested interests.

Pakistan is among very few countries, who have already over-came on COVID-19. Pakistan’s achievements were recognized internationally and were quoted as a role model for other nations to follow. Pakistan’s innovative approach, “Smart Lockdown,” got recognition globally, and many other countries have approached Pakistan for expert advice.

According to Worldometer, the total number of Coronavirus cases worldwide reached: 21,616,917, and the death toll: 768,989. The worst-hit country in the whole world is the U.S., with a total number of cases: 5,529,789, and death toll: 172,606. Followed by Brazil and India, with a number of cases:  3,317,832, & 2,590,501, and death toll: 107,297 & 50,099 respectively.

Whereas in the case of Pakistan, the total number of Coronaviruus cases: 288,047, and death toll: 6,162. Pakistan stands at 15th position in the category of COVID-19 hit countries. By per million population, Pakistan has a number of Coronavirus cases: 1,301, and ranked at 103rd  positions. And by the number of deaths per million of the population is 26, ranked at 97th position.

Pakistan has passed the peak long ago and rapidly recovering. The number of new cases is declined sharply, and the number of deaths has reduced drastically. The marvelous achievements are not digested by some of the countries and are using COVID-19, as a political tool to pressurize and distort Pakistan’s image. Is this a part of the hybrid war launched against Pakistan??? Stop propaganda!!! Is there any travel advisory against India, Brazil or any other country based on COVID-19? We firmly reject discrimination.

The same advisory further says, “Travellers to Pakistan may experience border closures, airport closures, travel prohibitions, stay at home orders, business closures, and other emergency conditions within Pakistan due to COVID-19.”

Whereas Pakistan has lifted the lockdown, and life has resumed to a regular routine. There is no such possibility of closure of borders, airports, businesses, or any routine matter of ordinary life under the current situation. However, if the second wave comes and changes the position, we can not predict.

Notably, CDC has no say inside the U.S., and the Trump-Administration is not implementing CDC’s advice in America, but yet issue travel advisory on Pakistan, is beyond imagination. Please see the frustration of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The same advisory further prohibits travel to Balochistan, KPK, FATA, and Line of Control, whereas also acknowledges in the same report that the situation has improved a lot since 2014. As a matter of fact, Pakistan is the only country in the world, who got the victory against terrorism. Pakistan was the worst victim of terrorism for almost four-decades due to the Afghan war. But our security forces have rooted out terrorism out of Pakistan and have taken preventive measures to protect the country in the future.  Exceptional random cases of terrorism might happen, but as compared to the rest of the world, Pakistan is a much safe place.

On the economic front, no doubt, the whole world has suffered a lot due to COVID-19. However, Pakistan is no exception and suffered some losses. But, comparatively, in the whole of South Asia, our economy is much better, with an increase in exports, an increase in productivity, a positive growth of GDP, improvement in stock-exchange, the stability of the currency, etc., all are positive economic indicators.

Pakistan is blessed with natural beauty, snow-covered mountains, thick jungles, rich archaeology, old civilization, deserts, and beaches, etc. The unique food, culture, and exceptional hospitality, are the strength of Pakistan tourism industry. English is the official language that is widely spoken and understood; no language barrier and adaptability of various cultures make Pakistan tourists paradise. Yet affordable.

CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) has opened the many avenues of businesses and economic activities, traders, and investors may not miss the opportunity. Pakistan is at a junction of major trade routes linking Asia, Europe, Africa, especially at the entrance of oil-rich Gulf states and connecting South Asia, East Asian, Central Asia, and Eurasia with the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan is a safe, moderate, peace-loving nation and welcomes all travellers to enjoy the nature, or entrepreneurs to explore economic opportunities.