Hundreds of Ukrainians stuck on the border with Romania and Hungary

The press center of the Western Regional Department of the Ukrainian State Border Service reports about kilometer-long traffic jams at border crossings.

Korrespondent reports that at the checkpoints Tisa, Luzhanka and Dyakovo on the border of Ukraine with Romania and Hungary a queue of several hundred cars was formed.

“At the Ukrainian-Hungarian section in front of the border are 130 cars: Tisa – 50 and Luzhanka – 80. At the Ukrainian-Romanian checkpoint Dyakovo in line are 110 cars”, – reported from the seats.

According to, Transcarpathians have to stay in the buffer zone between the Ukrainian and Hungarian checkpoints for over four hours. The appearance of giant queues at checkpoints is associated with the fact that the Hungarian government has decided to introduce stricter rules for traveling abroad.