Belarusian political scientist Andrei Sych analyzed the situation in the republic and came to the conclusion that the “color” revolution had failed. He shared his opinion on his Facebook page.
“After the rallies began to be held exclusively under the white-red-white flag, their ranks were significantly reduced. And the agenda in some places has become very aggressive. I have repeatedly witnessed how the “democrats” are jarred by state symbols”, – the political scientist noted.
He is convinced that the pro-Polish opposition is trying to “play out the nationalist agenda”.
“Now opposition leaders are trying to play out the nationalist agenda and regain the favor of the lost audience. I am sure that it is already late and most likely not safe. Power clashes are possible even among the protesters. It is one thing to stand next to Kolesnikova at a rally, and it is another thing to appear spontaneously with the state flag to the protesters who are not aware that “we are united”. Tomorrow is actually decisive.
#March_New_Belarus will be organized in Minsk, delegations from the regions are already being formed in chats. I suppose that no more than 400 thousand people will come from all over the country. On the whole, I consider the attempt of the color revolution in Belarus to be a failed one”, – concluded Andrey Sych.