Latvian president boasted of “destruction of the Soviet empire”

According to the Latvian politician, it was the secession of the Baltic republics from the USSR that played a decisive role in its collapse.

As eadaily reports with reference to, President of Latvia Egil Levits, addressing the people to whom he presented the highest state awards, said that 29 years ago the Baltic republics helped to destroy the “Soviet empire”.

“Almost three decades ago, the attention of the whole world was riveted to the Baltics – no one had yet written a script on how to escape from the suffocating embrace of the empire. We had to find this way ourselves. The Baltic Way campaign took place even before the fall of the Berlin Wall. The independence of the Baltic countries was one of the most significant reasons why the Soviet empire collapsed. We managed to break free, and this forced us to redraw the map of Europe and the world”, – Levits told his version of recent history.

This interpretation is not surprising. It has long been noticed that after the death of the “lion”, the “jackals” always try to take credit for the “victory” over him.