Twitter no longer issues Sputnik accounts in the search

If the user hasn’t previously signed up or accessed Sputnik accounts, Twitter search no longer allows you to find these pages.

Apparently, Twitter has ceased to be a free social network and a platform for pluralism of opinion, becoming a politically engaged and tightly censored organization.

Let’s find out the details. A corresponding request has already been sent twice by our correspondents on Twitter. We have not yet received an answer.

Earlier RT accounts also stopped appearing in Twitter search. The administration of the microblog reported that it began marking the pages of the media, which are under the control of the authorities, as well as the accounts of the authorities of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, the main government officials, including the heads of the Foreign Ministry, ambassadors and officials and the main diplomatic leaders.

At the same time, only accounts related to Russia and China began to be labeled.