In the world of the three superpowers, Russia, China and the United States, the confrontation that erupted between the latter two was a race for power.
The American magazine “Foreign Policy” writes about it.
The magazine recalls a relatively recent time when the power of the United States could be compared to the power of the Roman Empire. However, the American ruling elites have lost their resources. Both Democrats and Republicans made shameful mistakes, destroying the unipolar world and provoking new competitors.
Bill Clinton, as president of the United States, made his first mistakes. He managed to avoid responsibility, as the consequences of mistakes such as NATO enlargement and an excessive desire for globalization became apparent after his departure. George W. Bush had to deal with those consequences, and he made even greater mistakes by invading Iraq and allowing a dangerous financial bubble to burst in 2008. Barack Obama failed to reverse the downturn despite his popularity in the world. Donald Trump showed how to waste political resources without getting anything in return.
“He has repeatedly and unreasonably insulted some of America’s closest allies, called poor countries ‘shit countries’ and described U.S. neighbors in Latin America as countries of rapists and murderers”, – the FP wrote.
The apogee of the disaster was the situation with the coronavirus, which showed the complete incompetence of the United States and the country’s inability to reform.
What was happening was a great opportunity for “troubled and increasingly powerful” China. In the past, it had already profited from U.S. mistakes and learned from them. Just as America focused on strengthening its economy in the 19th century by avoiding foreign policy activity, China has long relied on domestic development and has been satisfied with the result.
“But instead of taking advantage of America’s recent setbacks and working to strengthen its position as a more intelligent and responsible superpower, China seems to be giving way recently to its own version of foreign policy negligence”, – the edition notes.
China’s reputation has been severely damaged by the coronavirus outbreak, although Beijing has persistently tried to compensate by providing assistance to countries that faced COVID-19 later. At the same time, however, Beijing has adopted a more assertive and aggressive policy, which not everyone likes. Foreign policy recognizes that China has been quick to respond to unfavorable events. The government may even learn from its own setbacks.
In this environment, it is difficult to predict which superpower will be able to lead, because everyone has a chance. On the other hand, it may happen that there is no clear leader or even coalition of like-minded countries in the world at all.
Today, the USA is in the worst position, especially if Trump stays for a second term. But even if Democrat Joe Biden wins, we must understand that 2016 will not come back.
“The United States has been experiencing four years of continuous turbulence”, – the FP wrote. – “Biden’s victory will not unite a divided nation overnight, and the current situation will long have a negative effect on U.S. foreign policy. The Biden administration will deal with the pandemic and the domestic economy, leaving less time and resources for major international projects.”