Collection of paintings by Poroshenko re-arrested

The decision was made by the Pechersk District Court of Kiev.

According to Klymenko Time, the lawyer of the former president, Ilya Novikov, complained about political persecution when commenting on the court decision.

“The situation in itself, when the Pechersk Court reopens its decision to seize property in a scandalous case, the decision on which the appeal court once ruled completely illegal, is not a sensation. The same people, the same prosecutor comes again with this new petition for the seizure of property … That is, it is not what the Pechersk Court decided, but what is important is that the Office of the Prosecutor General, of course, in coordination with other structures, decided to continue what they started”. And the Presidential Office is not ready to admit its mistakes and “give back””, –  Novikov said.

According to the lawyer, the Kiev Pecherskyy district court will challenge Poroshenko’s decision.