China will respond to US sanctions against the head of Hong Kong

The US Treasury Department has chosen a new victim for sanctions. She became the head of the Hong Kong administration, Carey Lam.

This was reported in the BBC, referring to the head of department Stephen Mnuchin.

“In 2019, Lam began to seek amendments to the existing extradition law to allow extradition to mainland China, which sparked a series of large-scale opposition demonstrations in Hong Kong,” the Treasury said in a statement.

Lam was accused of supporting China’s policies, which are aimed at “curbing freedom and democratic processes in Hong Kong.”

In addition to her, 10 more officials from China and Hong Kong, including the head of its police, were under attack.

Hong Kong has already warned that they will not turn a blind eye to US interference in Chinese affairs. The government will not allow the region to be used as a pawn. Retaliatory measures will be taken against American companies operating in Hong Kong.