Tens of millions of Americans lost their jobs because of the crisis provoked by the incompetent response of the authorities to the pandemic. For many, the situation is worsening, as their positions are disappearing forever.
The American edition of “Politico” writes about it.
People are increasingly pessimistic about what is happening in the United States. If the pandemic hit service workers at the very beginning, problems soon spread to the entire labor market. According to the AP-NORC survey of July, almost half of laid-off Americans are not sure that they will be able to return to work. At the same time in April four out of five respondents believed that the loss of employment was a temporary phenomenon.
The rise in the number of jobs that will disappear forever, as noted in the publication, is the latest signal that the economic damage caused by the coronavirus will be huge and the recovery long. With such prospects, Washington should think about long-term solutions, but only temporary ones are discussed in Congress.
“The trend seems to be getting worse. The number of Americans claiming for unemployment benefits has increased in recent weeks after months of steady decline, as the Coronavirus is growing in most of the country, and most states have either suspended or cancelled plans to resume work”, – concludes Politico.