During the riots in Portland, federal security forces suffered 270 injuries

Since early July, federal law enforcement officials have received more than 270 different injuries and injuries at the hands of rioters in the American city of Portland, Oregon. This was stated by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cucinelli.

“Since July 4 this year, there have been more than 270 injuries to federal law enforcement personnel at the hands of violent anarchists obsessed with assault and destruction. These rioters have attacked federal property, federal security forces, local law enforcement personnel and facilities using hammers, lasers, baseball bats, firecrackers, Molotov cocktails, chemicals and other munitions”, –  he said.

Kuccinelli also said there is a difference between protesters and rioters.

“The ISI had to expand its presence in Portland, not because of peaceful protesters. In more than 60 days, the situation in Portland has become nothing more than a continuous night riot, with life-threatening violence against federal law enforcement and the institutions they diligently protect”, –  the acting deputy head of the ISI added, stressing that  – “baseless demands that federal law enforcement leave Portland if they agree would undoubtedly lead to the destruction of the federal courthouse.”